Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cook with your children, not for them

I have recently taken on a new task with my kids at work. I am cooking with them.
Most children you and I would normally come in contact with do not have any childhood trauma to deal with. Trauma like this will often lead to substance abuse or eating disorders. But as all children get older they will encounter situations where they are exposed to things we can not control and that can also influence their decisions of what to put in their bodies.
I have educated myself in nutrition over my years of formal education. Cooking comes easily to me and I have found it to be a very rewarding activity. Especially when I can teach others how to prepare a more healthy meal.
Teaching children of all ages how to cook and how important it is to be aware of what they put in their bodies may be the most rewarding task I've taken on yet.
Just letting kids participate in the process of preparing a meal helps them feel important. It can also mold their eating habbits for life.
I'm always looking for new things to cook with my kids. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Next time you're preparing dinner (Thanksgiving is a great time), remember to include your kids or grandkids in the process.


Dansie Family said...

i need to be better about cooking with my kids. i love to cook and so do they, but it is easier to do it myself. but i know i need to remember that it is more important to include them. my 4 year old is actually very good at cracking eggs. i just need to remember to do it with mixer off just in case.

Kristen said...

Cracking eggs is a great start. Once they get older they'll be able to stir things and cut up veggies. I can always use someone to chop stuff. Last weekend I used one of my older girls to put the breading on the chicken while I was busy making a sauce I had to keep stirring. I love that kind of help.